Pull the Other One -
Shiver Metimbers - 09-17-2019
Thread dedicated to those items funny, queer, or otherwise not belonging in any other thread.
The Long Dong Monster
Mysterious '60ft water monster' spotting swimming next to huge hydroelectric dam
Another seen on the Yangtze River!
Wiggly Sky Cigars are Real, says Navy
Coronavirus-shaped hailstones 'are a message from God to stay at home'
RE: Pull the Other One -
Shiver Metimbers - 07-15-2020
I am not making this up.
Aliens, monsters, and the usual fare of the tabloids that track what the Men in Black know to be true....
The Devil pic won't load. Draw your own conclusions.
RE: Pull the Other One -
Shiver Metimbers - 08-26-2020
SACRAMENTO, CA—While many Californians are growing increasingly worried about the wildfires spreading throughout the state, Governor Gavin Newsom assured everyone that the fires are actually "mostly peaceful."
"The fires are mostly peaceful, mostly calm -- nothing to worry about," Newsom said as the fires burned through thousands of acres of forest behind him. "They are peaceful infernos and will definitely not burn your house down or anything. We're fine here, everything's fine here. How are you?"
Newsom also pointed out that fires were here before humans, and so in a way, we stole the land from fires, and the indigenous infernos are just taking the reparations they are due. "If a peaceful fire approaches your home, do not fight back. That would be racist. Allow it to consume your home -- peacefully, of course -- if you are a true ally of indigenous peoples everywhere."
RE: Pull the Other One -
Shiver Metimbers - 08-26-2020
Another "Oumuamua" Plot Twist: Leading Explanation For Interstellar Object Is Aliens Again
RE: Pull the Other One -
Shiver Metimbers - 12-10-2020
Very cool.
NOT likely as apocalyptic as presented but still...
if you're north of the Mason-Dixon line, enjoy!
EDIT: well, shocking... that didn't take long... ain't a-gonna be a thang after all
An initially promising U.S. forecast for the northern lights has gone bust.
see why I posted it in "Pull The Other One"?
RE: Pull the Other One -
Shiver Metimbers - 12-22-2020
It's not Sydney comforting Rudy, it's Mel comforting Bourne.
OK, that's probably real, but AGW-induced Oven Earth remains a perennial Pull The Other One favorite. With the Winter Solstice just passed, time for Song!